Give Your Mouse A Break

       I will be missing in action tom. So if the blog seems slow that's why! I have to go shopping for the holidays with my mother! Ah, how I love to go shopping with her! JK Constant battle of "O, mom thanks but that's a crazy toy to buy" " No mom, she can't have a sip of soda!"  

I love spending time with her thou. That's whats counts. So what my kid will get a sip of soda and be crazy! 

One thing I am excited about is using my BOBA to carry my youngest! when I get back. Hopefully I will have some interesting shopping news for you. 

I think Toys R Us is having a sale tom starting at like 3pm. So check that out as well! 
Black Friday is coming!!

Remember, EVERYONE needs to give their mouse a break!

Got the mouse pics here

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