Insanity Workout!

I will start by saying I was done after the WARM UP!. Then I kept pushing myself taking breaks of course, I made it to the end! That counts for something! My chest is pounding I was working so hard!

This work out is def. INSANE. My chest started hurting I was working so hard! OMG!! I am STILL tired and shaking while typing this post up!

If you want to get is shape fast. I will say go buy INSANITY!. If you stick to it, you will be a better you in no time! WOW!!!

OK, So I am really awake now! I must go to bes to get up early! When I get home tomorrow! I will pick winners, and add some new GIVEAWAYS!!! So fun day for my readers!

Don't forget to check out TRIPLETS MOMMY! I write for that blog now as well! There are some great deals and tons of freebies!


  1. Contests to you! I know exactly how you feel. My husband and I had started P90x and we felt the same exact way! It would feel good once we were done, but it was a huge struggle to get through. We only did it for 3 days though. :( I need to be more consistent in exercising.

  2. WTG Girlie!! It is tough isn't it?! I am so proud of you though!!! Did you do the fit test or did you start with day 2 work out???
    I did day 2 today and I am not sure how many times I told Shaun T to ummmm.....F*%# off...LOL! But yeah I did...LMAO!

  3. Great job! Keep up the good work.

  4. I will start by saying I was done after the WARM UP!. Then I kept pushing myself taking breaks of course, I made it to the end! That counts for something! My chest is pounding I was working so hard!
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    gul ahmed vicky razai


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