Facebook Fan Friday

Facebook Fan Friday 
week 2


Welcome to the Facebook Fan Friday Hop! This hop has been created byFrugal Invitation and Snack Bar Reviews to help bloggers get more followers on their Facebook Fan page. Every Thursday by 6pm CST, we will have the linky posted. And it will be open through the end of the day Saturday.

Here are the rules:

*Follow the hosts on Facebook HERE, and HERE.
*Leave a comment below if you are a new follower so we can follow back.
*Grab the Facebook Fan Friday hop button, and post it on your page.
*Link up using your fan page link every week, and follow as many pages as you want!


  1. I'm sorry. I did something wrong and the HTML code isn't working for me. I don't know if you can remove me or not, but I wanted to apologize for not posting the Blog Hop on my site.

  2. I'm a new follower of Frugal Invitation.


  3. I messed my link up and wasn't thinking. I linked it to Blogger instead of FB. I am going to post the accurate one on #27 spot.

  4. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Family-fashion-and-facts/181064051917955
    entered your blog hop :) liked you on fb and follow your blog! Hope you will visit back!I have 2 great handmade giveaways going on right now!

  5. Just set to follow you. Love the site.

  6. Sorry for the second comment, my site is http://howtobejunecleaver.com


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