Lots of Winners

First off I hope everyone Enjoyed their Valentines day! I know I did! We had a Movie trip planned :) According to commercials Valentines is to Celebrate "US" not Me! Well "MY" day will come! When is mother's day? May? I should get that date under lock, right! lol

ANYWAY! Heres all your winners!!


sniffenegger said... 95

I voted for you at picket fence blogs 01-29-11

sara at theniffs dot com


I have a grandmom that raised me that dies of lung cancer. So not breast cancer but still a big impact. I support breatcancer because I always have because t does run in my family.

Shawna said... 77

Liked Sarris Candies on Facebook and complimented them. (Shawna Elkins) 

LilmamaBOTZ said... 69

I liked cowgirl chocolates on facebook.

Steph Timm said... 193

OMG I so want to win this bag!

StephTimm (at) gmail (dot) com


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    Would love for you to follow me back!!


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